
Paved paths to production

Build opinionated templates that generate Terraform: customize your infrastructure-as-code platform and standardize your cloud resources configuration

Opinionated defaults

Keep developers on track and control what parameters they can set - and what they can't

Create paved roads to production

Give engineers the tools to self-serve deploy quickly and with confidence

Standardize your infrastructure

No more drift: developers deploy Terraform that meets your requirements

Build paved roads to production

Configure Blueprints and give developers a guided experience to deploying infrastructure

Get started in under 15 minutes

Publish your first Blueprint today


A powerful templating experience

Customize Blueprints to your preferences across any cloud service

Your Blueprint, your way

Link Blueprints together, provide context, descriptions, defaults, picklists, and enforce guardrails

Build as simple or as complex as you'd like

Adopt at your pace - from basic to fully custom

Every Blueprint is a UI

Don't manage your own front-end: forms are automatically generated for developers to interact with


Opinionated defaults

Don't rely on engineers to be infra experts: build templates that meet your standards

Sensible defaults and guidance

Avoid bad config that results in excess cost, public access, improper networking, outdated versions, and more

Add exceptions for deviations

Attach Guardrails to Blueprints, and route configuration that doesn't meet standards to the right approving team

Understand configuration trends

Track which Blueprints are being used the most, how they link together, and what they support


Accelerate IaC adoption

Give engineers the ability to deploy infrastructure, without requiring Terraform or OpenTofu expertise

Infrastructure without the headache

Engineers choose from options you define, and then Terraform is generated and a PR is prepped - automatically


Simplifying dev workflows and making things secure by default is a force multiplier for the entire business, regardless of the maturity of your dev teams.

Mark Hillick

CISO, Angel Investor

Standardize your configuration

Publish your first Blueprint today

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See Resourcely in action and learn how it can help you secure and manage your cloud infrastructure today!