Paved roads to production


Customize templates that generate Terraform: standardize the configuration of our cloud resources and scale infrastructure adoption

Customizable templates

Start from pre-built best practices, import existing Terraform modules, or customize your own unique patterns

Scale your expertise

Embed advice and guidance for your developers

Rich, managed forms

Descriptions, suggestions, defaults, picklists, and context-gathering questions are populated into a managed UI

Self-service infrastructure

Developers choose what they need, and infrastructure as code is generated for them


A powerful templating experience for infrastructure as code

Customize Blueprints to your preferences across any cloud service

Your Blueprint, your way

Link Blueprints together, provide context, descriptions, defaults, picklists, and enforce guardrails

From pre-built best practices to fully custom patterns

Adopt at your pace - from basic to fully custom

Every Blueprint is a UI

Don't manage your own front-end: forms are automatically generated for developers to interact with


Build a guided experience

Defaults, descriptions, and suggestions

Embed expertise for developers

Automatic linking

Link to existing or new resources automatically: Resourcely detects resource types and suggests appropriate connections

Input of all types

Strings, lists, integers, enums, maps, and more

Knowledge Graph

All cloud options at your fingertips

No more maintaining templates when new regions, classes, or other options are updated: Resourcely automatically detects and suggests possible inputs for all clouds.


Frictionless rules and policies

Build Guardrails into Blueprints, giving developers feedback when they're heading down the wrong path

Sensible defaults and guidance

Govern the options that developers can choose from

Add exceptions for deviations

Attach Guardrails to Blueprints, and route configuration that doesn't meet standards to the right approving team

Understand configuration trends

Track which Blueprints are being used the most, how they link together, and what they support

Turn your Terraform into beautiful interactive forms

Define and customize Blueprints to set what infrastructure configuration options are available to developers.

  __name: "{{ db_name }}_{{ __guid }}"

resource "aws_kms_key" "{{ __name }}" {
  description = "KMS Key for DB {{ db_name }}"

resource "aws_db_instance" "{{ __name }}"  {
  allocated_storage             = "{{ allocated_storage | desc: "DB storage size in GB" }}"
  db_name                       = "{{ db_name | required: false | desc: "Optional DB name" }}"
  engine                        = "{{ engine | desc:  "Database engine type" }}"
  engine_version                = "{{ engine_version | desc: "Database engine version, usually this should be 16.2" | suggest: "16.2" }}"
  instance_class                = "{{ instance_class | desc: "The size of the database instance. Anything over medium requires approval." | suggest: "db.t3.micro" }}"
  manage_master_user_password   = true
  master_user_secret_kms_key_id = aws_kms_key.{{ __name }}.key_id
  username                      = "{{ username | desc: "Database admin user name, i.e. 'root'" }}"
A form is created automatically that accepts inputs that you defined in the Blueprint.
After filling out the Blueprint form, Terraform is generated and a PR is automatically submitted.

Self-service infrastructure

Give engineers the ability to deploy infrastructure, without requiring Terraform or OpenTofu expertise

A curated cloud console

Scale infrastructure adoption, with all the benefits of infrastructure as code

Infrastructure shopping cart

Engineers choose from options you define, and then Terraform is generated and a PR is prepped - automatically

Build paved paths to production

Publish your first Blueprint today

Talk to a Human

See Resourcely in action and learn how it can help you secure and manage your cloud infrastructure today!