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GCP Compute Subnetwork

This blueprint creates a Google Compute Subnetwork with best practices by defaulting to enable private Google access and flow logs, enhancing security and observability. It allows for the configuration of secondary IP ranges and encourages the use of labels for better resource management. The variables are organized into logical groups to assist users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, in configuring essential settings easily.

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  __name: "{{ name }}_{{ __guid }}"
    desc: "Name of the subnetwork."
    required: true
    group: Subnetwork Details
    desc: "The VPC network to attach the subnetwork to."
    required: true
    group: Subnetwork Details
    links_to: resource.google_compute_network.self_link
    desc: "The IP CIDR range of the subnetwork."
    required: true
    group: Subnetwork Details
    default: ""
    desc: "The region where the subnetwork will be created."
    required: true
    group: Subnetwork Details
    default: "us-central1"
    desc: "Whether VMs in this subnetwork can access Google services without external IP addresses."
    required: false
    group: Subnetwork Settings
    default: true
    desc: "Whether to enable flow logging for this subnetwork."
    required: false
    group: Subnetwork Settings
    default: true
    group: Secondary IP Ranges
    required: false
    group: Tags
    required: false
  Subnetwork Details:
    order: 1
    desc: "Basic settings for the subnetwork."
  Subnetwork Settings:
    order: 2
    desc: "Additional settings for the subnetwork."
  Secondary IP Ranges:
    order: 3
    desc: "Configure secondary IP ranges for the subnetwork."
    order: 4
    desc: "Labels to assign to the subnetwork."

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "__name" {
  name                    = {{ name }}
  network                 = {{ network }}
  ip_cidr_range           = {{ ip_cidr_range }}
  region                  = {{ region }}
  private_ip_google_access = {{ private_ip_google_access }}
  enable_flow_logs        = {{ enable_flow_logs }}

  {{# secondary_ip_ranges }}
  secondary_ip_range {
    range_name    = {{ secondary_ip_ranges.range_name | desc: "Name of the secondary range." | required: true }}
    ip_cidr_range = {{ secondary_ip_ranges.ip_cidr_range | desc: "CIDR range of the secondary range." | required: true }}
  {{/ secondary_ip_ranges }}

  labels = {
    Name = {{ name }}
    {{# tags }}
      {{ tags.key | required: false }} = {{ tags.value | required: false }}
    {{/ tags }}

// This subnetwork blueprint follows best practices by enabling private Google access and flow logs by default to enhance security and observability. It allows the configuration of secondary IP ranges and encourages the use of labels for better resource management. The blueprint is organized to assist users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, in configuring essential settings easily.
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