Create paved roads
Blueprints for creating cloud resources with best practices embedded
This blueprint creates an AWS Internet Gateway and attaches it to a specified VPC. It adheres to best practices by encouraging the use of tagging for better resource management and identification. The blueprint is organized to assist users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, in configuring essential settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS IAM User with best practices in mind, such as encouraging the use of tagging for resource identification and management. It provides advanced options like setting a permissions boundary for enhanced security control. The blueprint organizes variables into groups to assist users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS RDS DB instance following best practices such as enabling encryption at rest for data security, setting Multi-AZ deployment by default for high availability, and disabling public access to enhance security. It organizes variables into intuitive groups to assist users—especially those not well-versed in cloud infrastructure—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily. The blueprint also encourages tagging for better resource identification and management.
This blueprint creates a Google Cloud VPC network following best practices by defaulting to custom mode (auto_create_subnetworks set to false), allowing for manual subnet creation and better control over network configuration. It includes advanced options like routing mode and MTU with sensible defaults, providing flexibility for advanced users. The blueprint is organized to help users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, configure essential settings easily.
This blueprint creates an Azure Storage Account with best practices in mind, such as enforcing HTTPS traffic only and setting the minimum TLS version to TLS 1.2 for enhanced security. It defaults to the StorageV2 account kind and LRS replication for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. The blueprint allows for the configuration of network rules to restrict access, promoting secure data management. It also encourages the use of tags for better resource identification and management, and organizes variables into logical groups to assist users who may not be cloud infrastructure experts.
This blueprint creates a Google Compute Engine instance with best practices in mind, such as not assigning a public IP address by default to enhance security. It uses a default machine type of e2-medium and a Debian 10 image for the boot disk, promoting cost-effectiveness and stability. The blueprint encourages the use of labels for better resource management and organizes variables into logical groups to assist users—including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts—in configuring essential settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS Subnet with best practices in mind, such as disabling public IP assignment by default to enhance security. It allows customization of CIDR blocks and availability zones to suit different network requirements. The blueprint encourages the use of tagging for better resource management and organizes variables into groups to assist users who may not be cloud infrastructure experts.
This blueprint creates an AWS KMS key with best practices in mind, such as enabling key rotation by default to enhance security. It allows users to provide a custom key policy if needed and encourages the use of tags for resource identification and management. The blueprint organizes variables into groups to assist users—including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.
This Blueprint sets up a Google Compute Address with customizable options, emphasizing best practices by defaulting to an external address in the "us-central1" region using the "PREMIUM" network tier. Variables are organized into "Basic Settings" for essential configurations and "Advanced Settings" for additional customization, aiding software engineers in deploying cloud resources securely and efficiently without deep expertise in cloud infrastructure.l offering flexibility for advanced users.
This blueprint creates an Azure SQL Server with best practices such as requiring secure administrator credentials, defaulting to version 12.0, and encouraging the use of managed identities for enhanced security. It promotes the use of tags for better resource identification and management and organizes variables into logical groups to assist users—including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.
This blueprint creates an Azure Managed Disk with best practices in mind, such as defaulting the storage account type to "Standard_LRS" for cost-effectiveness and setting the create option to "Empty" for a new disk. It encourages the use of tags for better resource identification and management. Advanced configurations like specifying the OS type and source URI are available for more experienced users, and variables are organized into logical groups to assist users—including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS RDS Cluster following best practices such as enabling encryption at rest for data security, setting deletion protection by default to prevent accidental deletion, and configuring sensible defaults for backup retention and preferred backup windows. It encourages the use of tags for resource identification and management. The blueprint is organized into intuitive groups to assist users—including those not well-versed in cloud infrastructure—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS CloudWatch Log Group with best practices in mind, such as setting a default retention period of 14 days to prevent unlimited storage costs and optionally enabling encryption using a KMS key for enhanced security. It encourages the use of tags for better resource identification and management. The blueprint is organized to assist users, including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts, in configuring essential settings easily.
This blueprint creates an AWS S3 bucket with best practices in mind, such as blocking public access by default, enabling server-side encryption and versioning to protect data integrity and security. It provides options for access logging and tagging for better resource management. The blueprint is organized to guide users through essential settings while offering flexibility for advanced configurations.
This blueprint creates an Azure SQL Database with best practices in mind, such as defaulting to the 'Basic' edition and service objective for cost-effectiveness, setting a standard collation, and encouraging the use of tags for better resource identification and management. It allows customization of advanced settings like collation and maximum size, organizing variables into logical groups to assist users—including those who may not be cloud infrastructure experts—in configuring essential and advanced settings easily.