Resourcely for Security Teams

Make secure configuration easy

Seamlessly prevent insecure resources from being created, and remediate existing issues in brownfield infrastructure


Block configuration that doesn't meet your standards, while automatically allowing


Identify vulnerable resources, propose PRs that fix the issue, and track progress - all integrated

A context-based Guardrail

Seamlessly govern cloud resources

Proactively enforce your security posture standards

Proper IAM

Enforce least privilege, prevent admin access, or disallow assumable roles

VPCs and security groups

Ensure proper networking and limit public access to IP addresses


Enforce specific OS or database versions, or require approval for entire services alltogether


Policy-as-code, built for infrastructure

Rego was never meant to control cloud resources - Resourcely gives you tools to build powerful policies that are easy to write and maintain

A backstop against destructive actions

Give developers flexibility without worry

Structured policy language

Resourcely's policy-as-code language is a breeze to build with

Make security the default

Take cognitive load off of engineers who already aren't Terraform experts

A sample Rego policy for requiring SSL on Google databases
checkRequireSSLEnabled[] {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]
  not setting.ip_configuration
} {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]  
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  not ip_configuration.require_ssl
} {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]  
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  ip_configuration.require_ssl == false

checkNoPublicAccess[] {
  db_instance := input.google_sql_database_instance[_]
  setting := db_instance.config.settings[_]
  count(setting.ip_configuration) > 0
  ip_configuration = setting.ip_configuration[_]
  count(ip_configuration.authorized_networks) > 0
  authorized_network = ip_configuration.authorized_networks[_]
  authorized_network.value == ""
The same policy, written in Resourcely's policy-as-code language
GUARDRAIL "GCP database network config"
  WHEN google_sql_database_instance
    REQUIRE settings.ip_configuration HAS
      require_ssl = true
      NO authorized_networks.value = ""
Resourcely helps keep developers shipping fast in a secure fashion, reducing guess work and avoiding incidents that stem from misconfiguration.

Spencer Kimball

CEO/Angel Investor, Cockroach Labs


Identify and manage risky resources

Scan your existing environment for cloud infrastructure that violates the standards you set, and track its status

Scan your environments for violations

Find all the resources that don't meet your defined standards

Manage and collaborate on misconfigured infrastructure

Prioritize, collaborate on, exclude, or measure your remediation progress


Remediate your misconfigured resources

Generate infrastructure as code that fixes your broken cloud resources, without asking too much of developers

Fix your misconfigured infrastructure

Generate properly configured Terraform or OpenTofu that meets your expectations, automatically

Migrate to new infrastructure

Change database versions, move to new instances, or track and perform any kind of infrastructure migration

Integrate into your existing CI

Automatically submit PR fixes via your existing change management, so developers never have to use another tool

Stop misconfiguration and prevent costly incidents

Talk to a Human

See Resourcely in action and learn how it can help you secure and manage your cloud infrastructure today!