
Rules that govern your cloud resources

Build policies that ensure your infrastructure meets your standards

No more insecure infra

Stop misconfiguration from ever making it to production, integrated into your existing change management

Eliminate unplanned outages and incidents

Incidents are costing you time and money - stop them at the source

Prevent destructive actions

Never worry about accidental deletions, oversized servers, unsafe OS versions, or the wrong database flavor

Eliminate unplanned outages

See how preventing misconfiguration is easy to implement

Protect your investment

Secure your infrastructure

Your current config practices are the Wild West, with limited protections against unsafe configuration

Build safeguards

Create Guardrails from templates, or write your own: enforcing best practices, company standards, and securing infrastructure

Implemented into your existing workflows

Prevent commits that violate your rules, such as accidental deletions or public storage buckets, all as part of your change management

Saving millions

Incidents, breaches, and outages - both internally and externally - can cost millions in damages and wasted time

Avoid painful breaches

Eliminate incidents and outages

Misconfiguration of any kind can cause an incident - prevent them with Guardrails

Stop misconfiguration from ever making it to prod

Guardrails prevent costly, time-consuming incidents from happening

Stop harmful PRs

Prevent destructive actions

Stop hand-reviewing each PR and missing harmful configuration

Access management

Enforce proper IAM provisioning, and make sure the security principles you care about are followed

Accidental deletions

Stop resources that underpin critical applications from being deleted

Proper versioning & sizing

Enforce specific OS, database, or other software versions, and keep developers from using oversized servers


Developer experience and security don't have to be at odds - Resourcely helps developers stay focused and secure while operating at the speed of business.

Jason Chan

CISO, Netflix

Protect your cloud

Policy-as-code, built for infrastructure

Rego was never meant to control cloud resources - Resourcely gives you tools to build powerful policies that are easy to write and maintain

A backstop against destructive actions

Give developers flexibility without worry

Make security the default

Take cognitive load off of engineers who already aren't Terraform experts

Cloud metadata provided for you

Stop constantly referencing cloud docs for syntax: Resourcely has autocomplete for every cloud's services

Structured policy language

Resourcely's policy-as-code language is a breeze to build with

Developers don't care about cloud security.

With Resourcely, they don't have to.

Talk to a Human

See Resourcely in action and learn how it can help you secure and manage your cloud infrastructure today!