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Resourcely and Sentinel

Resourcely Guardrails are policies built for cloud infrastructure, no matter where it is orchestrated. Sentinel is a policy language specifically for Terraform Enterprise.

Resourcely Guardrails are policies built for all cloud resources. Written with a simplified SQL-like language called Really, they help users select correct configuration and act as a safeguard as part of your CI.

HashiCorp Sentinel is a policy-as-code framework for HashiCorp Enterprise products. Sentinel policies are integrated into your CI only.

Comparing Resourcely Guardrails and Sentinel Policies

Streamlining cloud configuration and governance
Policy language for Terraform Enterprise
Templates for deploying infrastructure
Policy Language
Remediation and upgrades of existing infrastructure
Deep Dive
Resourcely Guardrails
Built for...
Rules and policies that give feedback at configuration time, and evaluate during CI
Evaluating Terraform-only policies during CI only
Easy to read and write


Embeddable into CI tooling
Analyzes Terraform plan
Provides feedback at time of configuration


Closed source
Closed source
Policy unit tests
Context-dependent policies
Native support
Implemented as an external integration
Auto-generated test cases


Append configuration


Really, Resourcely's policy language

Sentinel, Hashicorp's policy language

GUARDRAIL "Require encrypted environment variables in Google Cloud Function"
  WHEN google_cloudfunctions_function
    REQUIRE kms_key_name EXISTS
import "tfplan/v2" as tfplan

# Main rule that must evaluate to true for the policy to pass
main = rule {

# Rule: Ensure all Google Cloud Functions have 'kms_key_name' set
all_cloud_functions_have_kms_key = all tfplan.resources.google_cloudfunctions_function as _, function {
    # 'kms_key_name' must be set and not empty
    function.applied.kms_key_name is string and
    function.applied.kms_key_name != ""

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